
    人工智慧早在1960年就開始發展,但直到近年導入大數據和機械學習,才讓AI能夠用經驗法則進行自我學習,進而發展出成熟的判讀能力,那麼在醫療領域上可以如何應用呢?透過大量病例數據分析,李友專的AI醫療系統已經能在輸入基本資料後。未來AI醫生將又會怎麼成為醫「未病之病」的上醫。 AI has been developing since the 1960s, but it is only until recently that AI has been combined with big data and machine learning to develop mature decision making. Using advanced AI technology, Yu-chuan Li is working on developing systems that can help doctors identify and heal the pre-sick by simply inputting basic information.


    為提升病人安全與品質而努力,致力發展更貼近臨床需求所用的醫療人工智慧科技。是臺灣現今病歷電子化重要推手、醫學資訊及醫療人工智慧之先驅,並曾獲選國際健康資訊學院創始院士、美國醫學資訊學院院士、澳洲醫學資訊學院院士、臺灣資訊產業最高桂冠-傑出資訊人才獎、十大傑出青年等多項殊榮。近卅年來積極奔走國際,結合醫學與資訊雙項專業不斷突破創新,將臺灣醫療人工智慧優勢推向全球。 A pioneer of Al in medicine, medical informatics research and a practicing dermatologist, Yu-chuan Li has been a part of several national projects and international projects on translational biomedical informatics and patient safety. He has served as VP of Asia-Pacific Association for Medical Informatics (APAMI), President of APAMI, and is now the President-elect of International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA). This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.


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