



    1. 各角色定義及不可入校時間計算:

       V 確診個案:指由中央流行疫情指揮中心公布之「確診個案」,並列有案號,依規定應進行「隔離治療或其他必要措施」。

       ● 隔離天數:採檢日(第0天)起算,10天隔離(不可入校)+7天自主健康管理(第11天快篩陰即可入校)

    V 密切接觸者:指確診個案發病前2天至被隔離前,曾經在任一方未佩戴口罩情況下接觸,如共同居住、用餐、聚會或參加活動、工作或就學場所、醫療照護院所、搭乘交通工具及可能接觸達15分鐘未戴口罩之對象,由衛生單 位及本校匡列為「密切接觸者」,依規定應進行「居家隔離」。


    V 未達密切接觸程度,但有確診者足跡者,請進行自我健康監測3天,期間可到校上課。

    2. 授課教師應提供確診者、密切接觸者(居家隔離)、自主健康管理者線上學習方式,確保學生受教權。


    V 講演課程:應100%錄製PowerCam,並將所有教材上傳至Im@TMU

    V 操作型課程:敬請提供學生多元彈性學習方式,例如:錄影教學影片、提供網路影片學習、補課等。

    V 專題研究/討論:敬請提供學生多元彈性學習方式,例如:提供教材自主學習或線上討論。

    V 體育課程:敬請提供學生多元彈性學習方式,例如:錄製教學影片、提供網路影片學習等。

    3. 專兼任授課教師經衛生機關認定為確診者、密切接觸者(居家隔離)或自主健康管理者,應實施遠距教學,或由代課老師實體授課,並應盡速告知修課學生、系所主管,轉知教務處。

    4. 確診者、密切接觸者(居家隔離)、自主健康管理者若無法參與實體考試,敬請依正常程序完成防疫假申請。防疫假應檢附衛生機關、學系、校方單位任一通知文件以玆證明,其補考成績以實際成績計算。

    5. 遠距教學實施原則:

    V 遠距教學可採同步教學或非同步教學。

    V 敬請各教師確保遠距教學品質,加強師生互動,切勿以舊有PowerCam檔案實行遠距教學。

    V 遠距教學相關技術諮詢,請聯繫資訊處教學科技組(大安校區分機(#3) 1616~1619)。

    V 遠距教學參考資料:(1)教育部「線上教學便利包」、(2)臉書「台灣線上同步教學社群



    臺北醫學大學教務處敬啟 111.5.3



    (Modified according to regulation of Ministry of Education on May 5th)

    According to the TMU Meeting of the Epidemic Prevention Group on May 2nd:


    1. The definition of each role and the calculation of the time of not allowed on campus

    V  Individuals tested positive for COVID-19: Confirmed cases announced by the Central Epidemic Command Center.

    Isolation time: Please conduct home isolation for 10 days (not allowed on campus) and conduct self-health management for the subsequent seven days (allowed on campus if tested negative).

    V  Close contacts of a positive case: Individuals having had contact with a confirmed case for more than 15 minutes, without face mask on, under the following circumstances, such as living, dining, participating in activities together, at a workplace or campus, a medical facility, or on public transportation. The investigation period starts from four days before the onset of the symptoms of the confirmed case until the day of quarantine.

    Isolation time: Please take isolation for three days(not allowed on campus) and conduct four-day self-initiated epidemic prevention(not allowed on campus) from the last contact day.

    V  Casual contacts: Those who have been close to a confirmed case in the same class or school club activities, on the same floor in dormitories, or on the same transportation, but with lower risks of being infected with COVID-19, should conduct self-health monitoring for three days and can work or attend classes on campus.

    2. Teachers must provide online learning methods for Individuals tested positive for COVID-19 and close contacts of a positive case to ensure students' right to education.

    Due to the rapid changes in the epidemic situation, please plan flexible teaching methods in advance.

    V  lecturePowerCam should be 100% recorded and all teaching materials uploaded to Im@TMU.

    V  laboratory: flexible study measure (e.g. self-learning, on-line video or make up lessons)

    V  individual studies/ seminar: flexible study measure (e.g. self-learning, provide online learning)

    V  physical education: flexible study measure (e.g. provide on-line video)

    3. Teachers who have been identified by health authorities as confirmed cases, close contacts (isolated at home), or self-initiated epidemic prevention, should conduct distance teaching, or provide physical teaching by substitute teachers, and should inform the students and department supervisors as soon as possible, and inform to the Office of Academic Affairs

    4. If the confirmed cases, close contacts (isolated at home) or self-initiated epidemic prevention are unable to participate in the on-site examination, please complete the application for epidemic prevention leave attached to any notification document from the health authority, department or school unit. The make-up examination will be calculated based on the actual results.

    5. Distance Learning Courses

    V  Distance teaching can adopt synchronous teaching or asynchronous teaching.

    V  Please ensure the quality of teaching, strengthen teacher-student interaction, and do not use the old PowerCam files to implement remote teaching.

    V  Please contact Office of Information Teaching for distance teaching technical consultation (Dann campus (#3) 1616~1619).

    V  Distance learning reference:

    (a) Ministry of Education "Online Teaching Package", (b) Facebook "Taiwan Online Synchronous Teaching Community".



    Curriculum Section, Office of Academic Affairs, May. 3rd 2022
