    各位教職員生 大家好:
    寒假即將來臨,我們希望大家能在這段時間內度過美好且安全的假期。儘管疫情局勢可能有所緩解,但COVID-19 (JN.1)仍然存在並持續對我們的社區產生影響。因此,我們想要提醒大家一些重要事項,以確保大家的健康和安全:
    • 依照疾管署建議及個人評估接種疫苗
    • 保持社交距離和戴口罩。 建議盡量保持社交距離並盡可能戴上口罩,特別是在人群密集的場所。
    • 勤洗手和保持衛生習慣。 經常用肥皂和水洗手,使用洗手液或酒精搓手液清潔雙手。同時,避免觸摸面部,特別是眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴。
    • 留意身體狀況。 如果您出現任何感染症狀,例如發燒、咳嗽、呼吸困難等,請盡快就醫並避免與他人接觸,直到症狀消失或獲得醫療建議。


    Hello to all faculty, staff, and students,

    The winter break is approaching, and we hope everyone will have a wonderful and safe holiday during this time. Although the epidemic situation may be easing, COVID-19 (JN.1) still exists and continues to impact our community. Therefore, we would like to remind everyone of some important matters to ensure everyone's health and safety:
    • According to the CDC's recommendations and individual assessment, getting vaccinated.


    • Maintain social distancing and wear masks. Even during gatherings with family and friends, it's important to maintain social distancing and wear masks whenever possible, especially in crowded places.


    • Practice frequent handwashing and maintain good hygiene habits. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, use hand sanitizer or alcohol-based hand rubs to clean your hands. Also, avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, nose, and mouth.


    • Monitor your health condition. If you experience any symptoms of infection such as fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, please seek medical attention promptly and avoid contact with others until symptoms disappear or until you receive medical advice.
