








l  講演課程:線上學習

l  實驗課程:線上學習或彈性調整課程內涵

l  專題研究:彈性學習(自主學習)

l  體育課程:彈性學習(自主學習)

l  專題討論:線上學習

l  見、實習課程:彈性學習

經110.05.13、110.05.15 校級防疫小組會議決議




※ 6/14後是否繼續實施,視教育部政策及疫情發展再公告。



一.  課程進行方式及評分方式若有調整,敬請各授課教師務必於I’M@TMU公告學生週知

二.  教師進行遠距教學時,請注意並確保教學品質及學生學習成效請確實掌握學生線上出席狀況、觀課與討論情形、評量方式及各面向情形,並保留相關紀錄,以利未來稽考。

三.  敬請授課教師提醒學生,執行遠距教學期間並非放假,同學切勿私下出國或旅遊,並應審慎評估風險盡量避免參加集會同時請學生誠實記錄每日行蹤,以利日後疫情調查。

四.  如授課教師採取遠距教學需相關技術諮詢,請聯繫資訊處教學科技組(大安校區分機(#3) 1617, 1618, 1619, 1616);遠距教學品質相關諮詢,請聯繫跨領域學院數位自學中心(校本部分機2855)。




  臺北醫學大學教務處敬啟 110.5.28


According to the TMU Meeting of the Epidemic Prevention Group on May 28th

In order to reduce the risk of group infections and to protect the health of school teachers and students, all courses and all exams are requested to conduct in flexible measure till June 14th.



Flexible Measures


May 14th to June 8th

All courses and exams are requested to conduct in flexible measure.

l  lecture:online learning

l  laboratory:online learning or adjust content of study

l  individual studies:flexible study measure (e.g. self-learning)

l  physical education:flexible study measure (e.g. self-learning)

l  seminar:online learning

l  practicum:flexible study measure (e.g. online learning, report)

according to the TMU Meeting of the Epidemic Prevention Group on May 13th and May 15th.

June 9th to June 14th

according to the TMU Meeting of the Epidemic Prevention Group on May 28th


※ Whether it will continue to be implemented after June 14th depends on the Ministry of Education's policy and the development of the epidemic.


Teachers' teaching notes during the epidemic prevention period:

1.      If there are any adjustments to the course method and grading method, please make sure to announce information on I’m@TMU.

2.      When teachers conduct distance teaching, please pay attention to and ensure the quality of teaching and the effectiveness of students' learning. Please ensure that students' online attendance, discussion and various aspects data are records for reference.

3.      The instructor is kindly requested to remind students that the distance learning period is not a holiday. Students should not go abroad or travel privately, and should carefully assess the risks to avoid participating in a party. At the same time, students are requested to honestly record their daily whereabouts for epidemic investigations.

4.      Please contact Office of Information Teaching for distance teaching technical consultation (Dann campus (#3) 1617, 1618, 1619, 1616).

Please contact College of Interdisciplinary Studies for distance teaching quality consultation (Main campus 2855).

Distance learning reference: (a) Ministry of Education "Online Teaching Package", (b) Facebook "Taiwan Online Synchronous Teaching Community".

Flexible measures of grading method : "Recommendations of flexible grading method " by Office of Academic Affairs


Curriculum Section, Office of Academic Affairs, May 28th 2021
