北醫體系引領永續發展 雙獲國家永續發展獎

北醫體系引領永續發展 雙獲國家永續發展獎



營養學院與東北大農學部跨國交流 共譜營養食安新篇章

營養學院與東北大農學部跨國交流 共譜營養食安新篇章

北醫大營養學院19-21日拜訪東北大學農學部,雙方共同舉辦「TFC2024- Designing Food for the Future」研討會,並簽署博士雙聯合約、學術研究、學生交換、師生互訪等多元交流,深化國際學術合作。
北醫大 x 東北大學雙邊聯合研討會 結盟深化國際合作

北醫大 x 東北大學雙邊聯合研討會 結盟深化國際合作

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北醫引領新南向 五校聯合開學典禮 開啟台灣學習之旅

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淨零轉型人才先行 北醫大體系推動「氣候與健康管理師」證照

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萬芳醫院與菲律賓Chinese General Hospital and Medical Center (CGHMC)及Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center等機構簽署合作備忘錄(MOU),象徵萬芳醫院與菲律賓展開的新南向醫衛合作計劃「起手式」順利圓滿成功。
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北醫大蟬聯遠見2024「台灣最佳大學」 榮獲醫學類典範獎



大學甄選入學委員會上週(13日) 公告大學申請入學統一分發結果,北醫招生名額使用率屢創新高,今年招生率突破九成,為90.07%,亦較去年112學年度83.5%增6.57%,於私立大學中排名全國第四名。
智慧大學 引領未來 Leading the Future 北醫大歡度64周年校慶

智慧大學 引領未來 Leading the Future 北醫大歡度64周年校慶

臺北醫學大學6月1日舉辦64周年校慶典禮,今年校慶以「智慧大學 引領未來 Leading the Future」為主軸,現場貴賓雲集,祝福臺北醫學大學64歲生日快樂。

Dear faculty members:

To cooperate with the faculty-assessment process executed by the human resources department for the 2024 academic year, the Office of Research and Development will assist by compiling and reviewing the research results of full-time faculties. Please login to the Faculty Research Index System (https://rd2sys.tmu.edu.tw:8011/RPIsystem) to upload or update your information.
In order for foreign teachers to fill in the renewal information correctly, the college manager / secretary will be requested to assist.
The system is open from today until 5:00 pm on 2025/02/06 (Thursday). To protect your rights and interests, please upload your research results from the past 5 years (2020/1/1 to 2024/12/31); access to the system will be denied after the deadline.
1. Members of the following colleges should complete Forms A and B: College of Medicine(excluding medical education and humanities disciplines of the School of Medicine), College of Oral Medicine, College of Pharmacy, College of Nursing, College of Public Health, College of Medical Science and Technology, College of Biomedical Engineering, and College of Nutrition.
2. Members of the following colleges should complete Forms A and E: College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Center for General Education, Medical Education and Humanities Disciplines of the School of Medicine and College of Management.
(1)Forms B and E use research credits as the calculation criteria according to the Faculty Assessment Method: Research and Industry-University Quantitative Assessment Items.
(2)This system is handled in accordance with the form-filling instructions of Forms AB and AE of 2024/11/25 (For score calculation standards, please refer to the implementation directions for faculty promotion in academic research).
(3)Please enter your publication information in the Faculty Publication Cataloging System
(4)Please confirm your personal information form, contact information (personal contact and phone numbers), and research experience. (if the system indicates “4 years” as the requirement for the previous year, then “5 years or longer” would be the requirement for this year).
(5)Please upload your number of research papers, research results, and awards for the past 5 years in Form A (click save if no information requires updates).
(6)Research results must be saved in Form B or E by clicking the “Modify” and “Save” buttons for each paper to update the latest ranking and the patent or technology transfer scores of SCI and SSCI journals.
(7)Please manually delete papers, patents, technology transfer materials from 2019 and before. To add new articles, please use the “Add Articles” tool.
(8)The corresponding author and author ranking information for journal articles should be completed, and the number of corresponding authors and number of co-authors should be provided for author ranking.
(9)Patents are calculated based on the date of certification.
(10)Technology transfers are subject to the contract date; the technology transfer fee is calculated according to the actual amount received.
(11)Pdf files of articles, patent certificates, and technology transfer contracts must be uploaded for the research results in Form B or E.
(12)If all the information in the system is complete and correct, please return to the Summary Table and click “submit” to finalize the uploading operation.
Faculty Research Index System: https://rd2sys.tmu.edu.tw:8011/RPIsystem
(Accessible from the homepage, personnel pages, and research pages of the Taipei Medical University website)
Reference Forms
1. Forms A and B (2024/11/25 version)
2. Forms A and E (2024/11/25 version)
3. Personal Information Form
Brief step-by-step description

If you have any questions or need assistance with uploading your information, please contact Ms. Wei (ext 7192, e-mail: yuyin11@tmu.edu.tw ) from the Office of Research and Development. Thank you.
